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100. Zeroing the clock

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Dear Jan

We have reached a milestone. It is an honour for me to write column number 100. In total, so far there have been 23,976 words and at least 150 hours’ writing and correction time, 25 hours of website design and maintenance (all the credit for this and our great thanks goes to Dusan Durco) at least 50 hours of organization of the website (a deep bow to Veronika Balajova) and also 50 hours connected with readers subscribing and unsubscribing and the placing of banners (thanks from the bottom of our hearts to Ludmila Sjoerdsma). In addition, since column number 51 there has also been an English version and our thanks go to Chris Cheal, who helps us by brushing up our English a little. Every time I think with amazement ‘Did I write that?’What has Reply with History brought us? A lot of work, some expense, hassle with meeting deadlines and getting everything right on the website, many positive comments, invitations to speak at seminars but, above all, the pleasure of writing and the satisfaction it brings. Writing about entrepreneurship and leadership is to reflect on what you do and on what is good and what is bad. What needs to be improved and what should be got rid of. By writing and reflecting you learn to improve yourself.

Successful entrepreneurship and leadership begins with the entrepreneur. This is perhaps the key “message” of this book – that in order to be successful you have to understand that you, and only you, are responsible for your success. That you determine how successful you are, or will be. Without this understanding, I give you little chance. Success or failure is the result of the choices you make and your actions. Wrong choices, a lack of choices and action, will mean no success.

I believe that successful entrepreneurship and leadership starts with passion. This passion must be indomitable and cannot be discouraged by any setbacks. There must be inspiration, but that is not enough. If you do not put that inspiration into action, nothing will happen. Hard work is just as important. Basically, you are always engaged and committed, because passion does not take a break at 17:00, or at the weekend. Furthermore, complete focus on your business is essential. You must not get distracted by trivial matters or other potential opportunities. You need full focus. You must remain true to yourself and what you stand for, stand firm, dare to dream and keep your feet on the ground. And perhaps most importantly, never give up because as Anthony Robbins once wrote: “You only fail if you give up.”

Being successful starts with yourself and the choices you make. Success can be attained by anyone who works for it hard enough. And many people are successful. The world is full of possibilities and opportunities and people who are constantly working to make the world a better place, more fun, easier, more interesting (the list is endless) and we all contribute to this.

Best regards,


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