130. A unique generation of new entrepreneurs

Dear Erik,
A few months ago, I ran into a next generation entrepreneur. Someone who already fully incorporates ‘new sales’ in all areas (see columns 102 and 104). She’s called Ioana, and until recently she was the youngest Senior Brand Manager ever at a large FMCG multinational, responsible for a product range in three countries. While working at a busy job, she developed a cosmetics collection in the evenings, which she sells internationally via the internet with excellent customer service.
Some weeks ago, she quit her daytime job and basically gave up her ‘secure’ life, a huge salary, a great career within the company and a company car. Just to start entrepreneuring. From a high salary, to no salary. From leading an international team to doing it all herself. From financial security to nothing but a laptop, a phone and an apartment.
Is Ioana at risk? Not at all. I even believe she’s at less risk after doing what she did, because at her old company she was confronted with clueless managers, unpredictable director boards and shareholders who could with a click of a finger decide to remove an entire division; which was not always in the best interests of the employees. With her own business, Ioana decides her own future. She has taken matters into her own hands.
I’m convinced that Ioana will be very successful. Firstly, because she believes she can attain a balance capital of several billion dollars within a few years’ time. Her goal is clear. She’s free of whatsoever doubt.
Secondly, she has no doubt why she’s doing this. The ‘why’ part matters most to her and her ‘why’ will draw a legion of faithful customers. Her ‘why’ is, next to her goal, one of the most important conditions for her success. Many entrepreneurs still focus on the ‘how’, but for major success that’s a thing of the past. It just doesn’t work anymore.
Thirdly, she doesn’t feel strongly about the ‘how’. She’s down to earth and treats the ‘how’ very professionally. She doesn’t have a personal vision of how to sell her cosmetics. She investigates, analyses and makes decisions based purely on information. Just like Google. Forget wanting to do something based on judgement and taste, she bases decisions on market data.
Fourthly, she’s a master at collecting data and is even better at analysis. The internet and Google hold no secrets for her and she has mastered this. She believes that it’s impossible to be successful as an entrepreneur if you don’t fully master the internet (and I’m inclined to agree).
And last but not least, Ioana is devoted to developing her mind and body and spirituality. She is an avid reader of self-development courses, has a personal coach and applies everything that she considers to be valuable. What’s more, she barely drinks alcohol, consumes little meat and mostly eats super foods.
If you want to know how to find success as an entrepreneur, stop reading right now. The above five points cover all you need to know about successful entrepreneurship.
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