136. Tribute

Dear Gerard,
I also recognize the phenomenon you describe. Often the most energy is spent on one department, one product or one person where the participants do anything but bring added value. You recognize the added value from an activity of the company, but one way or another it requires more energy in keeping it running than other business units combined. And indeed carried by the emotions of all involved in the activity, the solution to stop the activity is often not seen. An outsider would probably make the decision to quit in an instant. It is far more difficult for an insider to go through with it. Therefore, it is even more praiseworthy that you have severed the knot and have freed up your mind for new ideas.I think this is a pitfall many entrepreneurs and people in general fall into; continuing to stick to an existing situation when change is required. I also see these situations internally and I recognize it in myself. I recognize it when I see changes in the market and I want to respond with a different approach, for example, by adapting the service to customers and realigning to the future that I see. In the early stages, you get the consent of your colleagues as you set out your vision. They often agree to this because they are in the same world and also see this change taking shape. But the moment that changes are needed in their work, you see people begin to resist implementation. The fear of the unknown is greater than the certainty of holding on to a dwindling market. And as a company you need these people to carry out the changes. This can create tension and is perhaps the most difficult stage as an entrepreneur. Because you have to convince people to go along with you and others will always oppose the change.
And then we come back to the beginning of the story. The individual that continues in a situation without much added value will then ensure that you spend more of your energy on them which should instead be spent on colleagues and business processes that run well. You yourself got bogged down in this negativity in such a situation. Often this happens because the person in question or the business in question did well in the past. This history of a person who performed well in the past makes you feel positively about them when they are no longer performing well. While ruthlessly getting rid of the person or situation is often the best solution that should be adopted as soon as possible.