
95. Seeing opportunities and acting on them

Dear Gerard

It is wonderful to see you have transferred your enthusiasm to your staff, this is how the personal can create success. It must be said that in certain sectors, it is almost impossible to survive and innovation can sometimes be very difficult. For example, media, in particular sub-sectors such as printing companies. Here, it can be very difficult to make a profit after expensive investments in assets such as printing presses. It is easy to say that you should cut expensive and older staff. Redundancies lead to major social problems. This means that you, as an entrepreneur, have to deal with possible consequences if your company is not as successful as expected. Everyone has to realize this and therefore we need to ensure proper training and continue investing in new developments. As an employer, you should encourage your people to develop further. (more…)

94. Money is not important

Dear Jan

I think both of us are lucky to have grown up in hard-working families with parents who encouraged us to do the same. This has certainly shaped me and showed me that if  I work hard I can be successful. It has made me realize that if you want something and you want to realize your ambitions you have to take action. (more…)

93. Learned young, old done

Dear Gerard

It is always nice to go back and analyze your work experience from your childhood. It’s also good to see that your dream, to make it to a beautiful boardroom, has been achieved. That you don’t use it, I like even better, as you want to sit among your people so as to function optimally. (more…)

92. Working hard and dreaming

Dear Jan

There are moments when I would love to be a 3rd generation child. Doing nothing and having a relaxed life with the money from mom and dad. But only rarely. Hard work is good. I learned that during my first job as an office (and toilet) cleaner when I was sixteen. During my first week, I was trained by an experienced cleaner who told me I should work slowly and showed me which rooms and toilets I could hide in if I finished my work so that the team leader would not see me doing nothing. (more…)

91. The politician as entrepreneur

Dear Gerard

The answer to your question whether taking a break from work, going on holiday and experiencing what your passion is will lead to new successful entrepreneurs is probably no. Although this can be useful for some managers and entrepreneurs to rediscover themselves and find inspiration. However, this is not possible for everyone, as many cannot have a year on holiday. In addition, not everyone is the same and everyone has different needs. If you were born in say Syria or Iraq, you will have others things on your mind than getting inspired, i.e. survival. (more…)

90. Obsessive

Dear Jan

From up close I know a family company that was entirely ruined by its 2nd generation. A wonderfully attractive company, built up in 45 years and bankrupt within 10 years after the 2nd generation took over the reins. The eldest sons were in charge while the youngest sons would likely have been the most capable. A pity, but that’s how it is. (more…)


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