
120. The more patience, the faster the pace

Dear Erik

Perhaps Muslims are the predecessors of Western DADD’s because, if I am not mistaken, daughters of Muslims are (amongst many other things) not supposed to date. So beware: ‘the more you suppress something, the stronger it gets’. (more…)

119. There’s no use beating a dead horse

Hi Gerard,

To come back to my daughter(s), during my vacation in Florida I saw a T-shirt with the slogan DADD, with the subtitle “Dad’s Against Daughters Dating”, I think my oldest daughter feels that I very much agree with the text on the T-shirt and that’s why she avoids conversations with me. (more…)

118. People who don’t ask questions

Dear Erik,
When I look in the mirror I see something different than I feel inside. Without the mirror, I feel deep inside of me like a young god with the world at his feet. But when I look in the mirror, that feeling does not correspond at all with the appearance of the man staring back at me. (more…)

117. When I grow up

Dear Gerard

What I meant was that small companies are more focused on exploitation and thus on the short term, while large companies are more focused on the long term. Basically, smaller companies are focused on exploitation and ‘milking’ their existing customers, and they pay out all the profits to shareholders. Larger companies with are focused on exploration, on the other hand, reserve part of their profits to seek out new opportunities and products. (more…)

116. What should I do to be good?

Dear Erik,

I am not sure I understand your quote: “Small businesses focus on exploitation and larger companies on exploration.” Exploitation is the exploitation of property, the use of a building or a product or the performance of a service. Exploration is the attempt to find something out, i.e. researching and developing an idea. I would love to get some additional explanation from you in your next column as this does not really ring a bell for me. (more…)

115. Interest


Sorry for the misunderstanding on the concept of partnerships, maybe I did not express well exactly what I meant. Perhaps there was a lack of semantic nuance from my side. What I meant was more a partnership in a legal way. I agree a partnership is more of collaboration between parties. (more…)


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