
114. Build on your own strengths

Dear Erik,

I know a lot of entrepreneurs who are very successful abroad. I also took my business ventures outside of my own country, at times with more success than in the Netherlands. The idea that being a foreigner was actually an advantage always stuck with me. You can spot the things in need of change and improvement much quicker. You are unrestrained by old habits and other limitations imposed on you by local customs. Your unbiased view of things enables you to perform better. You are free of the usual ballast that a local entrepreneur carries with him. You feel fresh and once you figure out which elements of your own culture you can implement and which you can’t, it becomes easier to do business successfully. (more…)

113. Partnership Paranoia?

Dear Gerard,

Thanks for your reply. I want to come back to your reasons why setting up your foreign branches failed. Not that I have much experience with this, but after reading the reasons you mention, I have the feeling you possibly missed the most important reason. Namely, that you are not starting them up with a local person. (more…)

112. Partnership as a growth strategy

Dear Erik,

We have an identical method for development. We first try out new concepts ourselves and, if these are viable, we roll them out within the organization. The new influx of staff is educated internally by a mentor, usually starts at a junior level and has a career path to Managing Consultant/Branch Manager, CEO and the possibility to become a partner. (more…)

111. Growth

Hi Gerard,

Now that you are more business and growth oriented, what is your strategy for growth and entrepreneurship? Are you going to tap into new customer groups, deepen your contacts with existing customers or are you going to buy smaller companies or merge with a company of a similar size? I ask this because I wonder every day what the best and most secure way to achieve growth is. You must continue to grow, but not too fast so you don’t stumble before the finish line is reached. (more…)

110. No reason to be upset

Hi Erik,

Working on the Leidseplein taught me a lot. What a great job on the side that was. Do you remember I calculated for Cor, the pub owner, that he could have 50% more tables and chairs on the terrace and that he could earn back the investment in a few months if the weather was good? Within a week he had extra tables and chairs on the terrace. (more…)

109. The life of an entrepreneur

Dear Gerard,

I realize while reading your last letter that I am reading your life history as an entrepreneur. On one hand, I’m a bit sad about the fact that you have embarked on the final stage of entrepreneurship. I’m not sad because you have reached this phase, it is good that you can afford to do this. It is important to decide for yourself what you are good at and then do that. But I remember your first steps as an entrepreneur, when you were a young man full of energy and ideas. (more…)


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