90. Obsessive

Dear Jan

From up close I know a family company that was entirely ruined by its 2nd generation. A wonderfully attractive company, built up in 45 years and bankrupt within 10 years after the 2nd generation took over the reins. The eldest sons were in charge while the youngest sons would likely have been the most capable. A pity, but that’s how it is. (more…)

89. The 3rd generation

Dear Gerard

Innovation is not the objective of a company and innovation is more than just entering a whole new market or developing a new product. There is also innovative product improvement and other innovative efficiency advantages. I am concerned here with the bigger picture which an entrepreneur has to consider in order to be able to recognise and respond to innovation, competition and trends. In addition, self-reflection is an issue which should not be forgotten and the question here is: Is the entrepreneur or his successor best able to continue or expand the business? (more…)

88. Innovation is fun, but not easy

Dear Jan

It is obvious you love innovation, pioneering ideas and solutions. But there are relatively few people who know how to innovate and consume innovation. Some 16% of consumers are innovators (2.5%) and ‘early adopters’ (13.5%). 84% wait to purchase new products. And why? You wrote the reason yourself: change is discomforting and it will not be repeated. In addition, innovative products are often expensive and subsidies are often required to persuade consumers to purchase them. (more…)

87. The price of being an early adaptor

Dear Gerard

Thanks for your detailed ideas on what happiness is and how you can be lucky. If you have to work hard to be lucky, you will get the most and longest lasting enjoyment when you reach your goal. (more…)

86. The origin of luck

Dear Jan

The English word luck comes from the old Dutch word ‘gheluc’ (in modern Dutch ‘geluk’) and it means chance, happiness, luck, bliss, prosperity, fortune, and success and is mainly seen as an emotion. ‘Geluk’ means being favored by an unforeseen event, i.e. prosperity that you accrue without having had any influence on it. (more…)

85. The Golden Touch

Dear Gerard

The numbers and figures you wrote in article 84 stunned me a little. However, it is good to hear that you stopped playing those stupid games and watching TV and so will have much more time to do useful things. (more…)


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