108. Here is the New Me


Hi Erik,

I reached the same conclusion as you did, and I have already taken the necessary steps to delegate those matters that I should have stepped away from a long time ago. What’s more, I’ve begun training and coaching, instead of deciding and doing. I know I will get used to this, it feels as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and I am optimistic about the outcome. Mostly because I feel that my co-workers, who are directly involved, will benefit greatly from this decision.   (more…)

107. I will be I

Dear Gerard,

Obviously, I agree with the contents of your last letter. But there must be something from the heart. In order to delegate decision-making powers and obtain ideas from your colleagues, the knowledge level of your employees must be high, so training is required. And at that point you often run into problems. And there is your contradiction. (more…)

106. Role Reversal

Dear Erik,

I agree with you. I believe the ideal organization will have a management team that facilitates. This ensures that staff who are in daily contact with customers and suppliers have all the facilities at hand to do their job well. I think the most important part of this is that these people are well trained and have mastered even the smallest detail of their task. They need to have all the essential instruments at their disposal and be able to take decisions independently. Management facilitates and serves the needs of their colleagues. Strategy is defined and investment decisions are taken based on their experiences. So in this way, roles are reversed. (more…)

105. Leader-Leader

Hi Gerard,

You mention good execution as one of the reasons for improved productivity amongst your colleagues. It is interesting that you mention this, as the best book I’ve read recently addresses this topic. The book was written by a submarine captain, David Marquet, who took over the worst performing ship on the US fleet. He turned it into the best performing ship and wrote a book about his experience ‘Turn the Ship Around’. (more…)

104. The New Way of Selling 2

Dear Erik,
The new way of selling does not depend on the internet. The internet is just a tool, in the same way that a brochure, mailshot, seminar, or exhibition is. The new way of selling has its roots not in the internet, but rather is a result of the crisis of 2009. This crisis forced many companies to deliver more with fewer staff at lower cost and with higher quality and lower margins. (more…)

103. Cleverer via the net

Hi Gerard,

I used to travel to London for 25 years, I always hated it. When you landed at Heathrow you walked across the plush carpet to the exit and when you arrived at your hotel you sat on the toilet with the same deep-pile carpet under your feet. The whole of London was dated and dirty. It has indeed completely changed. There is tremendous momentum, it struck me that you are served everywhere by young people from other European countries who are attracted by the exciting life in a cosmopolitan city and who take mediocre housing conditions for granted. (more…)


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