102. The New Way of Selling

Dear Erik,

I recently spent a few days in London and I was very impressed by the entrepreneurial spirit, the level of service and the many innovations I saw. What a great source of inspiration. There are so many companies here doing business with verve, creativity and originality. For instance, there are many cinemas in London, but there is only one that is sold out weeks in advance, including the morning performances: the BFI IMAX. This is a large, round building, a hall for 800 people, a huge screen, and the highest quality sound and picture. Or take the London Eye – queues at the tills, even longer queues to get in. Or the fast food chain, Itsu: more expensive than other fast food chains, super healthy food, and always busy. Or Byron, a hamburger chain in London, but much more expensive than McDonalds: it is always full whether it’s the afternoon and evening. And there are many more examples.


101. 2014 and the year ahead

Dear Gerard,

I have the honour of closing the series of articles for 2014. The year has gone by quickly. It is time to reflect on the highs and lows of 2014 and what we have learnt for 2015. Your analysis of Article No. 100 gives a good picture of the learning moments. I am grateful that I was able to write an article every two weeks. Reflecting on current events has been a challenge and I hope our readers and, especially new entrepreneurs, have been able to take advantage of the advice we gave. (more…)

100. Zeroing the clock

Dear Jan

We have reached a milestone. It is an honour for me to write column number 100. In total, so far there have been 23,976 words and at least 150 hours’ writing and correction time, 25 hours of website design and maintenance (all the credit for this and our great thanks goes to Dusan Durco) at least 50 hours of organization of the website (a deep bow to Veronika Balajova) and also 50 hours connected with readers subscribing and unsubscribing and the placing of banners (thanks from the bottom of our hearts to Ludmila Sjoerdsma). In addition, since column number 51 there has also been an English version and our thanks go to Chris Cheal, who helps us by brushing up our English a little. Every time I think with amazement ‘Did I write that?’ (more…)

99. “Super” stupid

Dear Gerard

I understand your disappointment with politicians and the media, as you say, they do not tell the truth. Politicians want to spin stories to get more voters and the media wants to sell more newspapers and so the truth does not matter. To quote my colleague: the world is just as barbaric as it was 3,000 years ago, we just pretend this is not so. However, you only need to look at the situation in Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, or Russia to see this. The Dutch situation is admittedly a softer example of this, but essentially not much different. (more…)

98. Of cowardly liars

Dear Jan

I have never been fond of the majority of journalists, politicians and of politics in general. I do not like the manipulation, the breaking of promises, the misinforming of the public on purpose, the withholding of information, the deception of supporters or an audience and the running down of others. It is completely destructive and ultimately serves no purpose. I loathe it. (more…)

97. Challenging investors

Dear Gerard,

Your question regarding defining entrepreneurial spirit is, in one sense, not easy. As I mentioned in my previous article, Number 95, I was involved in the start-up of a soft commodity trading company which competes with the largest trading companies in this sector. At this company, the business plan, the opportunities, and the experience and knowledge of the promoters were all at a high level. (more…)


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